These paintings were predominately done by 1st Generation females from Utopian and would be incoroporate in the paintings depicting “awelye” women’s business ” Food depicted includes wild orange, wild passionfruit, wild fig, bush tomato, conkerberry, mistletoe, bush banana and bush coconut, quandongs, pencil yams, mulga apple, bush plums and sultanas. Edible seeds including mulga seeds, Grass Seeds and wattle seeds.
- $ 19,500.00
- $ 13,500.00
- $ 12,000.00
- $ 9,500.00
- $ 8,500.00
- $ 7,250.00
- $ 7,250.00
- $ 7,250.00
- $ 6,750.00
- $ 1,250.00
- $ 6,000.00
- $ 4,750.00
- $ 4,750.00
- $ 4,500.00
- $ 4,500.00
- $ 4,250.00
- $ 3,500.00
- $ 3,500.00
- $ 3,000.00
- $ 3,000.00
- $ 3,000.00
- $ 3,000.00
- $ 2,750.00
- $ 2,750.00